A Genius Planet – a collaboration between Ludger Hovestadt, Vera Bühlmann and Sebastian Michael, which offers 'a radical pathway from energy scarcity to abundance', is due to be published on 24th July 2017 as part of the Applied Virtuality Book Series, by Birkhäuser. "Rooted in sound theory and based on technology that is available now, A Genius Planet offers an accessible but detailed and insightful perspective on how we can free ourselves from our dependency on natural resources and generate, trade, and use energy in ways that open up the genuine potential that we have at our disposal today." Applied Virtuality Book Series Birkhäuser, 2017 ISBN 978-3-0356-1421-3 ORDER NOW |
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News is anything that makes the reader say 'gee whizz!'
- Arthur MacEwen
Banner image: Lewis Goody as Gus in Top Story at The Old Vic Tunnels, 2013
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