In 2015, architect Moritz Behrens and digital lighting specialist Konstantinos Mavromichalis won the No 8 at ARUP competition with their Sentiment Cocoon – a 20 metre tall installation at ARUP's London Headquarters. From this came book about Sentiment Architectures, edited by Moritz Behrens and publishers Christian Berkes & Sophie Wohlgemuth, and Sebastian, having been at the opening of the Sentiment Cocoon, was asked to contribute a Sentiment Utopia for this book: a fictionalised, maybe Utopian, certainly very personal 'review' of the piece as he experienced it. The resulting Earth Portal Report 513118-000816 now forms the opening piece in this fascinating volume of writings and pictures by various contributors. |
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News is anything that makes the reader say 'gee whizz!'
- Arthur MacEwen
Banner image: Lewis Goody as Gus in Top Story at The Old Vic Tunnels, 2013
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